Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January Activities

 We enjoyed the last few days of Christmas break playing some games.  Bear helped Annabelle.

The Logic boysbaskeball teams were recognized before one of the Varsity games.

One of Caden's basketball tournaments this month was down in South Dallas.  It was the wierdest game.  The opposing team didn't show up until about 1 min before game time.  Then the guy who we all thought was the coach, walked out on the court to do the jump ball.  All the parents were wondering why what appeared to be a full grown man was about to play against our 12 year olds.  

It started to become apparent that the game was a joke to this team.  People started watching, and we realized someone was taping the game.  Well, the officials finally stopped the game, and we found out that the guy is some (26 yr old) youtube personality.  Within a day or two, we discovered that Caden is front and center in his video.  You can hear him trying to trash talk Caden, to no avail.  He even offered Caden $20 to let him score.   So ridiculous and a total waste of our time!  It highlights how ridiculous these basketball tournaments are that they don't check ages.  Before we had a chance to google the guy's age, the tournament director tried to tell me and Caden's coach that he was just an old looking 8th grader.  

I took a few pictures of Annabelle at ballet observation week.  

We got a little bit of snow this month.

Annabelle and Laura Darley enjoying the snowy/ice mix.

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