Thursday, May 4, 2023

5th Grade Texas Trip

 Because of Covid, Caden wasn't able to go on the Texas Trip.  Annabelle was looking forward to going two days down to Austin.  On the bus ready to go: Annabelle, Elena Forsythe, Hadley Sullivan, and Lilly Stueve.

Lunch stop.

First stop was the state capitol building.

They arrived at the camp they stayed at and were able to zipline.

The next morning Annabelle played basketball with the boys.  Then they headed to lunch.  Clockwise from left: Annabelle, Lee Robertson, Sam Jeffries, James Edwards, Tripp Rector, Damien Cummings, Kaleb Baker, Bennett Walker, Miller Rodriguez, and Larkin Brazeal.

The next week the girls had a combined bridal shower (for Ms Yohe) and baby shower (for Mrs Walton) before school one day.

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