Sunday, June 27, 2010

Two Months Old

Caden turned 2 months this past week.  At his doctors appointment, he weighed in at 12 lbs (55th percentile) and was 23 inches long (50th percentile).  He's getting so big; he's wearing 3-6 month clothes now.  Here are a few pictures from this week.

One of our friends game us this adorable monogrammed onesie.

He likes talking to the baby in the mirror :).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Caden is almost 2 months old.  He has his check up on Thursday; I can't wait to find out how big he is.  He seems to be getting pretty big.  He's getting more rolls and a bigger belly (& a receding hair line).

He had two different outfits that I put him in yesterday that were for Father's Day.  

Here's the first one; a "Handsome Like Daddy" outfit that Nana gave him.
Here's one of Caden and Daddy in their Texas shirts.

Here's one of just Caden in his UT shirt and a little football toy.  This was his second outfit and second photoshoot, so he was kind of over it at this point.

Caden and I gave Brian a stainless steel travel mug.  It was specially made with one of Caden's newborn pictures on it.  Here's a picture of it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Caden Smiling

Caden is smiling more each day.  Here are a few pictures from this past week. 

He has started sleeping in the swing, which is a great place for an afternoon nap.

He is "talking" more and more each day.  It's so fun to just listen to him cooing.  Here's a picture of his mouth open while he's in the middle of talking to me.

Here's a video we took of him smiling.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6 Weeks

I can't believe Caden is already six weeks old.  We had a weight check at the doctor on Thur, and he is up to 9lb 11oz, which means he gained 1 lb 12 oz in the past two weeks!  He has now definitely started smiling.  about a week ago, I thought I saw a smile.  But he definitely smiled at me twice this morning.  After the second one, I ran to get the camera, but as soon as I had the camera in my hand he decided he was hungry and began fussing.  Hopefully, I'll get a picture of him smiling soon.

Here's a picture of him in the swing this afternoon.

Here's a picture of Daddy rocking him yesterday.

He really likes the sling.  He took a nap in it this afternoon.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Meeting Juillerat cousins

Bob, Rebecca and the kids came into town last week to meet Caden.  Our house was crazy for two days, but we had fun seeing them.  Here are a few pictures of the kids.

Here's Hallie in the pool.

And Jackson in the pool.

Abby with Caden.

Jackson with Caden.

Hallie, Nana, & Abby with Caden.

And James.