Sunday, June 6, 2010

6 Weeks

I can't believe Caden is already six weeks old.  We had a weight check at the doctor on Thur, and he is up to 9lb 11oz, which means he gained 1 lb 12 oz in the past two weeks!  He has now definitely started smiling.  about a week ago, I thought I saw a smile.  But he definitely smiled at me twice this morning.  After the second one, I ran to get the camera, but as soon as I had the camera in my hand he decided he was hungry and began fussing.  Hopefully, I'll get a picture of him smiling soon.

Here's a picture of him in the swing this afternoon.

Here's a picture of Daddy rocking him yesterday.

He really likes the sling.  He took a nap in it this afternoon.

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