Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Caden is almost 2 months old.  He has his check up on Thursday; I can't wait to find out how big he is.  He seems to be getting pretty big.  He's getting more rolls and a bigger belly (& a receding hair line).

He had two different outfits that I put him in yesterday that were for Father's Day.  

Here's the first one; a "Handsome Like Daddy" outfit that Nana gave him.
Here's one of Caden and Daddy in their Texas shirts.

Here's one of just Caden in his UT shirt and a little football toy.  This was his second outfit and second photoshoot, so he was kind of over it at this point.

Caden and I gave Brian a stainless steel travel mug.  It was specially made with one of Caden's newborn pictures on it.  Here's a picture of it.

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