Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby Girl Update & Visit from Grandpa

We had our third trimester sonogram this morning.  She now weighs just under 3 lbs and looks perfectly healthy! 

Grandpa was in town visiting last weekend.  Here's a picture of the boys.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas parties and picture with Santa

I took Caden to the mall this morning to get his picture taken with Santa.  Despite the annoyingly long wait, he did great.  Here's the picture that we got.

One of Caden's friends threw a Christmas party this week.  Here are a few pictures.  Here are Caden and Zoe eating their snack.

We made Christmas ornaments at the party.  I didn't get a picture of Caden making his, but here are a few of his friends making theirs.

We had a gift exchange, and Caden's gift was this monkey.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a nice week in Tyler for Thanksgiving last week.  I forgot to take my camera, but here are a few pictures that Nana took.

Caden's two favorite things to do while we were on the computer

And work outside with Papa.

Here's a picture of our family on Thanksgiving morning.

And a picture of Caden with Jeffrey, Nana and Papa.

Our house is all decorated for Christmas.  I've already bought a stocking for our sweet baby girl.  I'm not going to embroider her name on it until after Christmas :).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New trains!

Brian's cousin Jennifer was so nice to give us a whole train set that her kids have out grown.  Caden just LOVES the "choo choo's"!  He plays with the track every day and usually sleeps with an engine or car in his bed.  Here are a few pictures of him playing with it last week.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five Years!

Today is our fifth wedding anniversary.  Here's a pic from that special day.

Caden's baptism was this past weekend.  Here's a picture of our family before we headed to church.

Caden and I have been to the Arboretum twice this week.  I've been trying to get a good picture for Christmas cards, but the weather or Caden haven't been cooporating.  Today is beautiful and sunny, so I'm going to head to a park later to try again.  But here are a few pictures from this week.

Mimi and Caden brushing the goats.

Caden got his face painted for the first time.  He did a great job sitting still for the lady.

Tia and Caden with the frogs.

A few fun pic's running around.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Choo Choo!

Caden and I went with a few friends to the Railroad Museum last week.  As soon as we pulled up, he just started saying, "choo choo" over and over again.  It was so cute.

Here's a picture of Caden walking through the trains.

And here he is checking out the inside of one of the trains.

The engines were huge. 

The wheels were probably 6 ft tall.

We tried to get a picture of all the kids together, but they weren't interested in standing still for us. 

About a week ago I took my camera to the park to get a few pictures of him playing.  He's loving the park right now.  He usually doesn't want to leave.  Even after playing for over an hour, he'll still be upset when we have to leave.

He loves to slide down the big slides.

"Hey Mom, look at me..."
"...I'm driving!"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween festivities

We went to a Halloween Carnival last weekend.  Here's a picture of the whole fam.

Caden and his friend Luna were quite fascinated by this spider game.

And here's the monkey playing peak a boo.

One of our friends had a halloween party last week.  Here's the whole group.

On Friday, Caden and I went with a few friends to a nursing home.  There were so many people piled into one room; Caden was a little unsure of the whole thing.  He had this wide-eyed "what's going on" look on his face most of the time.

When we finished seeing the residents, we tried to get a picture of Caden with a few of his friends.  But he had definitely had more pictures in this silly costume!

Owen's Farm

We've been having so much fun enjoying the Fall festivities & cooler weather.  Friday before last, Caden and I went to a local "farm" with a few friends. 

First we fed the goats.  Here's Caden contemplating whether he wants to get close enough to feed them...he didn't; mommy had to feed them.

Then Caden went on his first hayride.  Here he is with his friend Caroline.  He didn't want to sit still; all he wanted to do was climb up and down off the hay seats.

Caden and  his friend Tessa were quite fascinated by the longhorns munching on pumpkins.

Here are Mommy and Caden.

His favorite part of the visit was probably seeing this old fire "truck" and a few other horse drawn carriages.

He got to pick out a pumpkin to take home.  It was a big decision...maybe this one?

And then he found one more his size.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Texas vs OU and the State Fair

Caden and I went to Caden's first TX-OU party while Daddy was at the game.  Here's a picture of all the kiddo's lined up in their Texas attire.

Last week Caden and I went to the fair with a few friends.  Here are the kiddo's all lined up.

Despite the look on his face, Caden enjoyed the petting zoo and seeing all the show animals at the Fair.

Caden got his first taste of fair food.  He had a bite of the cornbreading from my corny dog.  Being the carb lover that he is, he loved it.  But here's a picture of Mommy's favorite...Fried Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!  Mmm, not much tastes better to a pregnant girl than horribly fattening fried fair food :).

I got a new sewing-embroidery machine last week.  Here's a picture of my first project.  I can't wait to start embroidering cute things for Caden's little sister!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hungry fire truck?

I was trying to get Caden to eat a few more bites of his dinner the other night, when I picked up one of his animals and started saying "yum yum"...pretending that the animal was eating his food.  He thought it was funny and started making his trucks and cars eat.  I, of course, explained that animals eat food, but trucks and cars do not.  But we thought it was pretty funny.  As usual, he's a little camera shy, but he sort of does it with his fire truck in this video.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Palm Springs

We had so much fun in California last week with Mimi, Tia, Kevin, Kelly, and Wyatt.  Caden LOVED playing with his cousin.  Caden did really well on the flight, but never adjusted to the time change...which meant REALLY early mornings for mommy and daddy :(.

We went to the zoo one day.  Caden and Wyatt both enjoyed watching this train.

Caden enjoyed watching the giraffes.

We all got to feed them, too.

I put the apple in Caden's hand to see if he would feed the giraffe, but as soon as the giraffe started sticking his tongue out, Caden got a little scared and pulled his arm back and dropped the apple.

Caden and Wyatt riding the "oink oinks"...aka hog statues.

Caden had fun running through these hut like tunnels.

Wyatt enjoyed brushing the goats. 

Caden wasn't quite sure about it. 

We swam several afternoons.  The boys had fun playing in the baby pool.