Sunday, March 13, 2011

Signs and new teeth

Caden cut another tooth this past week.  He now has four on top and two on the bottom.  He also got a new toy this week; sandboxes were on sale this week, so we went ahead and got him an early birthday present.

At first he just stood outside of his sandbox and began taking sand out of the sandbox by the handful.  Taking anything out of anything is a favorite past time of his.  But after I put him in it, he enjoyed sitting in it and playing with the sand.

He's getting so good with his signs.  It was almost like a switch when he turned ten months the signs just kind of clicked for him.  He's really good at saying "more" and "eat", and he started saying "all done" just this past week.  He has his own variation of the "eat" sign, but we know exactly what he means, which is the whole point :).  It's pretty hard to get him to do anything on the camera, but we did manage to get him doing all three signs this evening.  Here he is at the end of dinner tonight.

Our bathroom is coming along very slowly.  Friday marked three weeks since our bathroom was demo'd.  The tile is going to be laid this week.

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