Sunday, May 29, 2011

Little Fish!

We got in the pool this week for the first time this summer.  Caden LOVES it!  One day I didn't want to take the time to actually get in the pool, so I just let him lay on the side and splash in the water.  It was quite a battle pulling him away from it. 

This week was a sad week as we said good bye to Janet.  We're so glad that she was able to watch Caden for the past 9 months; she's moving on to take care of her neice's children.  But we're excited about the transition to Mother's Day Out.  Here's a picture of Caden and Janet.

We went to the Arboretum Friday morning, so I could take a few pictures for my photography class assignment.  He even found water to splash in at the Arboretum.

Here's one of my assignment pictures...a bee on a flower.

The pool is still pretty chilly.  The unheated hot tub is much warmer.  Caden spent over an hour in there splashing around today.

And here he is chilling with Daddy in the pool.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bubble video

Here's a video I took yesterday while we were playing with bubbles.  Not great lighting, but you can hear him saying, "bubububu..." as he's watching the bubbles.

"Bye bye, mama" and "Bubbles"

Caden is so vocal.  He jabbers all the time.  But with each passing day, you can see him trying hard to say new things.  Monday morning, clear as day, he said "bye bye mama", when I left.  And then yesterday, when we went outside to play with bubbles.  I asked if he wanted to play with bubbles, and he said "buba".  As the bubbles were going, he just kept saying, bubububu... 

With Brian and I taking our wonderful "baby-free" trip last week (Thank you Nana & Papa!!!), I haven't taken very many pictures lately.  But here are a few of his one yr professional pic's...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day.  Caden and Brian gave me an awesome new camera.  I'm so excited to start using it!  I have also signed up for an 8 week photography class at the community college down the street, which starts this Tue.  Here are a few pictures from this week.

Overall, it's been a pretty rough week.  We are cutting Caden off from the pacifier, so getting to sleep has been a little rough.  On top of that, I think he's started the process of dropping his 2nd nap.  As frustrating as certain times have been this week, I love looking at these pictures and realizing how blessed we are with this special little guy.

Cool Caden with some shades.

The weather has been incredible the past few days.  Caden and I spent some time at the park this morning.  Now that he's walking he can enjoy a few things that hadn't previously interested him much.  Here he is "driving" the fire truck.

And waiving from the driver's seat.

Grandpa is in town visiting.  Here's Caden and Grandpa enjoying some bubbles.

What a precious little smirk.

My sweet boys.

He's coming to get me...much to Caden's dismay, Mommy's new toy is NOT for Caden.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


We finally got some footage of Caden walking.  Brian had to hide the camera b/c if Caden sees it, all he does is point and whine because he wants to hold the camera.  Here he is earlier today.

Caden's first trip to the zoo

Caden and I met my friend Melissa and her kids at the Fort Worth Zoo on Thursday.  We had so much fun.  That zoo is great.

Here are some monkeys.  If you look closely, you can see there is a baby; it was so cute!

Here's Caden with Flamingos.

Sawyer and Caden liked the Alligator Snapping Turtle.

Although, Caden may have had the most fun pushing his stroller around.

Caden learned all about Bald Eagles when Mimi was here.  He got to see one in person Thursday.

Here's Caden, Keira, and Sawyer watching the Zebras.

Here's a picture of a lioness.

Melissa and Caden watching some fish in the shark tank.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seventeen steps

Caden's getting so close to walking.  He takes steps on his own everyday, and today he took seventeen.  He walked the length of our closet.  He just needs a little more confidence to really take off and go.

Sometimes I can't believe how big he's getting.  Last week on the anniversary of bringing him home from the hospital.  I took this picture of him in front of a couch pillow.

And here he is on that same pillow the day we brought him home (4/27/10).  Ahh, what a tiny little guy!

Here's Daddy and Caden.

And Mommy and Caden.

Caden loves pulling pans out of my drawer in the kitchen.  And he loves pulling clothes out of the dryer or the laundry basket.  One day last week, I caught him "cooking" and "folding laundry".