Sunday, May 29, 2011

Little Fish!

We got in the pool this week for the first time this summer.  Caden LOVES it!  One day I didn't want to take the time to actually get in the pool, so I just let him lay on the side and splash in the water.  It was quite a battle pulling him away from it. 

This week was a sad week as we said good bye to Janet.  We're so glad that she was able to watch Caden for the past 9 months; she's moving on to take care of her neice's children.  But we're excited about the transition to Mother's Day Out.  Here's a picture of Caden and Janet.

We went to the Arboretum Friday morning, so I could take a few pictures for my photography class assignment.  He even found water to splash in at the Arboretum.

Here's one of my assignment pictures...a bee on a flower.

The pool is still pretty chilly.  The unheated hot tub is much warmer.  Caden spent over an hour in there splashing around today.

And here he is chilling with Daddy in the pool.

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