Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Morning 2011 and Juillerat Christmas

We spent Christmas morning at our house; opening stockings and presents just the three of us.  Our big gift to Caden this Christmas was a play kitchen.  Brian spent all night Christmas Eve putting it together.  Here are a few pictures of Daddy's hard work...




All in all, it took Brian 4 hours to put it together.  I threw in the towel around 10, so that's when the progress pictures stopped.  Brian left it in the living room with a blanket covering it over night.  The next morning when it was time to give it to him, we left him in the play room to set up our camera's.  Here he is walking out to see it for the first time...

We're keeping it in the kitchen under our counter/bar area.  It fits perfectly, and it usually keeps him out from under foot while I'm cooking dinner.

Midday on Christmas, we drove to Tyler to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.  Nana and Papa gave Caden a vacuum for Christmas.  He loves it!  It's supposed to actually suction, but it doesn't really pick much up...too bad, since he uses it just about every day.

Here's a picture of us with all of Caden's Juillerat aunt, uncles, and cousins.

Caden had fun playing with his cousins.

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