Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January activities

Caden and I had Kindermusik last Thursday for the first time in over a month.  The musical instrument that he received in his materials for the semester is a harmonica.  He had fun playing with it after class.  I have the cutest video of him playing it that I've been trying to post for several days now.  I wish the video uploader would start working for me.

Caden and I started an 8 week art class at the Nature & Science Museum at the beginning of January, too.  It'll go right up until baby sister arrives.  It's the same class that we took last summer, so it's fun to see how much more he can do now.  I'll post some pictures from class over the next few weeks.

I've been so bad about taking pictures lately. I haven't taken a single picture with my good camera since Christmas.  Here are a few that I've taken with my iphone...

We pulled down the infant car seat to see how it snapped into our new double stroller. Caden had fun sitting in it.  He's just a tad too big for it :)

What a difference 20 months he is in that same car seat the day we brought him home from the hospital.

Two Fridays ago we had a play date at the Children's Aquarium.  He really enjoyed it.  I was telling Brian all about it when we were eating dinner that night, and after I had told him all that I remembered, I turned to Caden and said, "What else did we see?".  He quickly responded with "teeth, shark, teeth", because one of the sharks kept swimming right up next to the glass and each time we got a great view of his many teeth.  Here are all the kiddo's lined up.

He loves putting my sunglasses on.  One day last week I had left them on the table, and while he was eating lunch, I turned around and he had put them on.

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