Saturday, April 7, 2012

Annabelle's first trip to the zoo

Brian was off from work yesterday for Good Friday, and we headed to the zoo bright and early.  We got there right after they opened and left a little before noon.  It was starting to get really was quite a zoo :).

Annabelle had her animal shirt on and her giraffe paci & was ready to see some animals.

The new Australian Outback area just opened a few weeks ago.  Here's Caden and Daddy checking out the kangaroos & wallabies.

& seeing the koalas.

Annabelle checking out the spider monkeys...

I think Caden's favorite part was "driving" this truck. 

The back half of the truck is inside the cheetah's exhibit.  Uh oh, Daddy, there's a cheetah behind us. 

The giraffe's are always a hit.

Caden talks a lot about "bia's" (i.e. zebras).  We got to see them only from a distance.

But we got to see the elephants a little closer. 

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