Monday, April 23, 2012

Caden is Two!

We've been celebrating Caden's birthday for several days now.  Saturday Nana, Papa, Great Grandma, Great Nanny, Jeffrey, Mimi, and Tia all came over for a family birthday party.  And today we had Caden's play group friends over for a party.  The theme of both his parties was construction trucks, since he loves construction vehicles right now.  Everytime we get in the car he asks to see bulldozers and front loaders.

Caden enjoyed opening his presents.  Here he is playing with his new Little People Zoo.

He was very excited about his new zoo train.

We tried to get a picture of Caden and Annabelle, but Caden was too busy playing with his trucks to look at the camera.  It is a good picture of the birthday shirt that I made for Caden, though.

An attempt at a family pic.

I made Caden a cupcake cake for Saturday's party.  Here he is attempting to blow out the candles.

Here are Mommy and Caden with his birthday cake for his friends party.

There were no candles on this cake because before I lit them, he grabbed them and ran into the kitchen with them to put them away.  Apparently, he didn't like them after having them on the cupcake cake on Saturday.

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