Saturday, June 30, 2012


Alright, I have gotten two videos of Annabelle rolling back to tummy in the past two days. 

Caden spent the night at Mimi and Tia's last night, so I had no trouble taping her this morning.

Yesterday, though, I tried to tape her when Caden was in the room.  Here's a video to show you how hard it can be to tape anything when he's around.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Annabelle is 4 months!

Annabelle is 4 months old today.  I can't believe how big she's getting.  Her doctor's appointment is Tues, so I'm looking forward to seeing exactly how big she is.  According to the bathroom scale, she's up to 14.6 lbs.  Annabelle rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time last Tuesday (6/19/12).  I've tried to get her on camera doing it, but Caden's so obsessed with the camera that I really can only tape her when he's napping.

Here she is with her "4 month" sticker on...

See how she's changed...

Annabelle is still such a good baby.  She hardly ever cries, and she's started laughing quite a bit.  I took this video of her today with my phone.  Usually when I do rasberries on her tummy she cracks up, so sorry for the horrible camera work. 

Yesterday, we went up to a bounce house place in Plano with a few friends.  Caden had so much fun.  He has no fear when it comes to these big inflatable slides.  Most of the other 2 year olds won't get on them or end up making their mom climb to get them at some point.  Right before I started taping, he turned to me and said, "I climb a big ladder!".  He loves ladders so much; he enjoys the climbing up as much as the sliding down.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Annabelle's Baptism

Annabelle's baptism was Sunday.  Here are a few pictures that we took after church.

Our family.

Caden and Papa 

The kids with Mimi. 

Annabelle is getting so much more interactive.  She's making so many noises and smiling and laughing a lot.  But she's very skeptical of the camera.  I took this video of her last weekend.  I tried to get her to talk and laugh, but I wasn't too successful.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


We've signed Caden up for gymnastics as a summer activity.  He started the class clinging to me, but by the end he was having so much fun.  Hopefully, he'll warm up quickly and enjoy the whole class soon.

During the first class, I took this really short video of him swinging into the foam pit.  He loves that pit; he climbed all the way across it twice.  The teacher couldn't believe it; she said most two year olds get stuck in the middle and she has to go get them.

A few mornings ago, I was getting ready and Caden came out of my closet with two high heels on and he said, "I have construction site boots on!"  I quickly grabbed the camera to catch him saying it again...

We did "2 year" pictures for Caden a few weeks ago.  Here are a few of the better ones...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

3 Month "Photo Shoot"

So while both boys were napping this afternoon, I took a few pictures of Annabelle.  Here are a few of the better ones.

In her church dress.

And then I stripped her down to the diaper cover that Mimi made for her newborn pictures.  It was a little big three months ago, but now it's a little snug. 

I also took Caden's picture at three months, here's one of those pic's.  He was a little balder and chubbier...