Thursday, June 14, 2012


We've signed Caden up for gymnastics as a summer activity.  He started the class clinging to me, but by the end he was having so much fun.  Hopefully, he'll warm up quickly and enjoy the whole class soon.

During the first class, I took this really short video of him swinging into the foam pit.  He loves that pit; he climbed all the way across it twice.  The teacher couldn't believe it; she said most two year olds get stuck in the middle and she has to go get them.

A few mornings ago, I was getting ready and Caden came out of my closet with two high heels on and he said, "I have construction site boots on!"  I quickly grabbed the camera to catch him saying it again...

We did "2 year" pictures for Caden a few weeks ago.  Here are a few of the better ones...

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