Sunday, July 8, 2012

Annabelle Swimming

Annabelle had her 4 month appointment at the doctor last week.  She was 14 lb, 6 oz (75th percentile) and 25 1/4" long (80th percentile).  Here's how she compares to Caden...he weighed in at 18lb 3oz (97th percentile) and was 25 1/4" long (60th percentile).  Caden was nearly 4 pounds heavier and they were the same length...he was such a chunky monkey!

Annabelle got in the pool for the first time on the 4th of July.  She had fun.  Mimi and Tia got in the water with Caden, and he enjoyed jumping and swimming to them.

Caden just loves to read.  We get new books at the library every other week.  Most of the time the books we get are about construction vehicles or other trucks.  He loves to flip the pages and tell me what he sees in the pictures.

I took this video of Caden and I tickling Annabelle this week.  Check out this post of Caden getting tickled at roughly the same age (

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