Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jumping, Jumping, Jumping

This past weekend we pulled the jumperoo down from the attic for Annabelle to start playing in.  She loved it.  Caden did plenty of jumping last weekend, too.  We went to a bbq at a friend's house on Sat and Caden had his first opportunity to jump off a diving board.  I didn't even ask him if he wanted to do it.  He headed straight for it after he saw a few older kids going off of it.  He couldn't get enough of it; he must have jumped off it at least 50 times.  It was a good workout for me; I had to tread water in the deep end forever.  I'm so glad we don't have a diving board in our pool :).

Here's Annabelle enjoying her jumperoo.

Here's Caden in the jumperoo at 4 months.
The jumperoo has a setting where it plays different songs, including the "ABC's".  Caden was cracking us up because he decided to use one of the legs of the jumperoo as a microphone to sing along.  There are three legs; one for Caden, and then he insisted daddy sing on one and mommy sing on one, too.

Here's a video of Caden jumping off the diving board.

And here's a video of me playing peek-a-boo with Annabelle in her jumperoo yesterday.  Love that sweet little chuckle!

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