Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Annabelle is 6 months!

Sweet Annabelle turned 6 months old today!  Can't believe she's already a half year!  She had her doctor's appointment today; she weighed 17 lbs, 9 oz (90th percentile) and was 27 1/4" long (75th percentile).

Here are a few pic's from her month sticker photo shoot.

And how she's changed...


Monday, August 27, 2012

Trip to San Diego, part two

Monday we headed over to La Jolla. 

The boys had fun climbing trees in the park.
While Annabelle was napping in the stroller, we tried to get a picture of the rest of us, but Caden didn't really want to coorporate.
Brian and Kevin with their babes.
We attempted another family picture in their backyard.
The last night we were there, Brian and I hiked up the mountain right by thier house after the kids went to bed.
Our attempt to get a picture of all four kids wasn't terribly successful.
And a picture of Grandpa with the kids.

Trip to San Diego, part one

We had a great time visiting Grandpa, Kevin, Kelly, Wyatt, and meeting Luke!  Annabelle did great on her first flights.  Entertaining Caden was a little more challenging, especially on the way back when we were delayed 90 minutes sitting on the plane.  But overall, both did outstanding on the plane.  We have slowly been getting back into the groove of things.  The kids have still sort of been on California time; Caden slept until 8:30 the first morning or two; his wake up time has slowly inched up to 7am this morning.  It would be nice if it would stick there; I have no desire to go back to the 5:30am wake up calls.

So I've been sifting through pictures from our trip.  I deleted some on the camera and still when I loaded them, I had 256.  I'm now down to an album of 126.  I'll try to get an online album put together in the next few days to send to family.

Caden loved watching all of the activity at the airports.
Everyone in their seats for Annabelle's first flight.  Food is always good entertainment...
After we arrived on Thursday, Kelly and I took the older boys to a park.
They worked up an appetite for dinner in the backyard.
Friday we headed to Sea World.  Caden had so much fun.  We saw the dolfins.  The adults all took a turn petting the sting rays.  The kids enjoyed just watching them.
Caden did pet the star fish.
Caden liked watching the seals and sea lions.  One side of the exhibit allowed for people to feed them trays of fish.  They were really noisy begging for food!  Caden kept saying, "they're noisy!  They ask for food!"
The shark exhibit was cool!  It was so dark in there, though, that the pictures didn't really turn out.  Here's a picture of Brian, Caden, Kevin, and Wyatt.  Wyatt seems a little distraught that a shark is heading straight for Kevin's head. :)
I was always behind the camera, but I did ask Brian to take this picture of us at the end of the shark exhibit.  Although, Caden was done..."no picture!", he kept saying.  but here's proof that I was there...
Annabelle and Luke are both such happy babies.  They just went with the flow the whole trip.  Here they are hanging out in their pj's.
We went to the beach on Coronado for Annabelle's first trip to the beach.  Here she and Luke are hanging out at the beach.
Caden and Wyatt enjoyed playing in the sand.
And in the waves.
All the boys, minus Luke.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Christmas in August

Well, last January I found some super cute Christmas pj's on sale.  Annabelle is getting so big that I'm afraid they may not fit in December.  So I went ahead and put both kiddo's in them this week and took a few pictures.

My cute little elves :)...

Unfortunately they didn't have Brian's size... 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Big Boy Bed!

We decided Caden was ready to move out of his crib this week.  We converted his crib to a toddler bed, and he's been doing great all week.  He was sooo excited when we first put the toddler rail on; he kept saying, "this is my big boy bed!  my get off and on!"

I made the kids matching turtle applique shirts, and I made Annabelle a matching tutu.  I have tried to get a picture of them together with them on several times.  Caden has been making it quite hard.  Here are a few of them.

Caden insisted I take a picture of both of them in their chairs.

Caden just loves to make Annabelle laugh.  And she just loves watching him.  I love the expression on her little face in this picture. 

Annabelle has a few hand-me-down pj's from Caden.  Here they both are in their "banana's over mommy" pj's...

Here's a comparison of what they both looked like at around 5 months.  Annabelle sits up much straighter than Caden did at this age.  Caden was probably more sturdy because he would rest on his big 'ole belly.  Maybe she'll be a dancer, like her Mommy, since she prefers to keep her back nice and straight.

And here's a picture of Caden right at 5 months.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bathing Beauty

I've started taking Annabelle in the pool more.  For a while, Caden and I would just get in during her late afternoon nap.  But now that she's big enough to sit in her float, she enjoys hanging out in the water and watching Caden.  Which is definitely not surprising, since watching Caden is her favorite thing to do!

It's getting hard to squeeze her into her 3-6mo size swimsuit, so when it's just us, I'll just take her in with only her diaper on.  Check out those rolls :)!

She's still not completely sturdy sitting up.  But I did get this shot of her yesterday sitting in her "cute as can bee" shirt.

Caden starts his new preschool two weeks from Monday.  So that means this Monday will be his last gymnastics.  I took a few pictures last Monday.  Here he is running down one of the trampolines.

And jumping into the pit (the foam pit is by far his favorite part).