Friday, August 10, 2012

Bathing Beauty

I've started taking Annabelle in the pool more.  For a while, Caden and I would just get in during her late afternoon nap.  But now that she's big enough to sit in her float, she enjoys hanging out in the water and watching Caden.  Which is definitely not surprising, since watching Caden is her favorite thing to do!

It's getting hard to squeeze her into her 3-6mo size swimsuit, so when it's just us, I'll just take her in with only her diaper on.  Check out those rolls :)!

She's still not completely sturdy sitting up.  But I did get this shot of her yesterday sitting in her "cute as can bee" shirt.

Caden starts his new preschool two weeks from Monday.  So that means this Monday will be his last gymnastics.  I took a few pictures last Monday.  Here he is running down one of the trampolines.

And jumping into the pit (the foam pit is by far his favorite part).

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