Friday, October 12, 2012

Going to work...

Caden got the first of his "2 year" molars this week.  He is growing up so fast.  The things he says and remembers just amaze me.  We've had a few issues with our fence gate, so our fence guy stopped by twice this week.  The first time was in the evening, so he rode his motorcycle.  The next morning right after Caden woke up, he told me, "The man came to fix our fence last night on a motorcycle.  He has to be very careful."  Today our fence guy came back and replaced a part, so hopefully, we're done having these issues. 

Caden has really been doing more imaginative play lately.  We have a cat; he's blue and we named him Fluffy.  Yesterday, we were getting out of the car at Kindermusik, and Caden was standing by the side of the car while I was unbuckling Annabelle.  And he tells me, "Mommy, there's a monster on our car."  I was like sure, ok, now we have an imaginary cat and monster.  But then I turned around and realized that he was pointing to the Michelin man on our tire.

Caden still loves everything about yard work.  We still watch the lawn crew that cuts the grass at our across the street neighbors' houses every Tuesday morning.  And he still loves pretending to cut grass.  Yesterday, he built a truck with a trailer full of his lawn equipment out of our kitchen chairs.  He pretended to "go to work" about twenty times.  It was so cute, he kept sitting in the drivers seat of the "truck" and would then tell me, "I'm going to work Mommy.  I'm going to cut the grass and blow leaves.  Love you"  Then he would blow me kisses.  Then he would get up and do "yard work" all over the kitchen.  And then repeat the whole process.

Here he is driving his "truck"
I tried to take a few pictures of Annabelle with her pumpkin jumper on yesterday.  She wasn't very interested in smiling or really looking at the camera, but here are a few of the better ones.


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