Sunday, October 28, 2012

8 months and 2 1/2

Sweet Annabelle turned 8 months old today!  She's getting to be such a big girl.  She is still so happy and content, and she is all over the place.  She's still army crawling most of the time, but she is super fast.  I keep thinking she's going to start crawling on all fours, because quite frequently she'll get up on all fours and take a few "steps", but then she'll plop back down on her belly and speed across the room army crawling.

Caden turned 2 1/2 this past week.  He just loves puzzles.  He speeds right through putting together a set of jigsaw puzzles that are for ages 3+ that he has had since his birthday.  We got him another set of jigsaw puzzles for his "half birthday" mostly because we were interested in seeing how fast he blew through puzzles that he hadn't seen before.  He, of course, did them quickly and without any assistance the first time.

Caden and I were at the grocery store this afternoon.  He saw a truck that he wanted.  I said, "Maybe you can get that for Christmas".  Then he said, "I want it now.  My half birthday was this week.  Maybe I can get it for my half birthday."...funny guy. 

Here he is with his puzzles tonight.
Caden is very into taking care of his monkey "baby" right now.  Earlier this week, we had to put pj's on him, and put him in a sleep sack for bedtime, "like Annabelle".  When I went in to cover him up after he fell asleep, I found his "baby" next to him covered up with a blanket.  He's so sweet.
Here's Annabelle in her month sticker.
She did not want to stay put for her picture...

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