Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Well, we survived last week with Brian being out of the country for 5 days.  We kept pretty busy, and by the time Brian came home, I had a cold and was totally wiped out.  On Halloween, we went over to a friends house for a picnic dinner before we headed to a few houses to trick or treat.  Here's a group shot of most of the kids.

Here's a picture of me with my bear and construction worker.
We headed home pretty early so that Annabelle could get in bed.  Then Caden and I hung out with our next door neighbors to hand out candy for a little while.  Here's a picture that our neighbor took. 
Annabelle started crawling up the step out of the living room last week.  So I can't contain her in any room anymore.
The kids and I went and met Nana in Canton on Thursday morning to go to First Mondays.  I found a cute little romper that I'm hoping to have Annabelle wear for her 1 yr pictures.  Of course, I had to try it on her and snap a few pic's with my phone...

Some random lady gave this kind of gross little chick to Caden.  Annabelle thought it was pretty funny, though.

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