Saturday, August 31, 2013

Annabelle is 18 months!

Annabelle turned 18 months this Wed.  Thursday she had her checkup.  She was 34" (97th percentile) and 27 lbs, 6 oz (80th percentile).  I can't believe how tall she is; she's actually 1 inch taller than Caden was at 18mo, but she's about 2 pounds lighter.

Annabelle loves her baby dolls.  It's so sweet watching her with them.  Earlier this week, when we were out front playing, she took her babies over to our neighbors' swing to push them.  And the she wanted a turn herself.

Here's Annabelle playing with a few friends at a new indoor play area close to our house.
Annabelle and Caden play so well together.  It's fun watching their little relationship develop.  Annabelle is a little thrill seeker, Caden pushed her around on his lawn mower back and forth through our house probably 20 times yesterday, and she was laughing the whole time.
Riding the horse together at Mariano's, our Friday night staple. 
The kids are ready for college football.  Here they are in the outfits I made for them.  Didn't get around to making Baylor outfits; I didn't end up liking the fabric I ordered for Annabelle's Baylor dress :(. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Caden's First Day of PreK-3

Caden had his first day of PreK-3 today.  He is back at our church's Child Development Program, where he went last year.  He was a little apprehensive about having a new teacher, but he ended up having a great first day of school.  One of his favorite classmates from last year is in his class again, which he is happy about.

Here are Caden and Annabelle outside of school in the outfits I made for them.
Caden with his new teacher, Ms Leanna. 
Selfies are a little tricky with my DSLR. 
And another one...
Week before last, Caden attending a "Reading is Magic" camp.  He had so much fun.  Here he is in his magic hat. 
I made the kids some outfits for football season. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Nana's 60th B-day Party

We went to Tyler last weekend to throw Nana a surprise 60th bday party.  It was so much fun; she was TOTALLY surprised. 

 Here's a picture of the b-day cake that I made and decorated for the party.
We just had a small family and very close friend party.  I'm so thankful that my Aunt and Cousin were able to help decorate and set up.  The food table...
Mom's surprise.  I love how Hallie is hiding getting ready to pop out. 

Annabelle with Nana.
Great Nanny, with her friend Miss Margaret, and my cousin Christy. 
Mom and I with her cake. 
Caden and James helped Nana blow out her candle.
Hallie and Caden had fun cleaning up before the party was even over. 

Caden had so much fun playing with all of his Juillerat cousins.

Mostly Bug Free Backyard!!!

Last month we got a mosquito misting system installed in our backyard.  It has been awesome!  I love being able to play freely in the backyard without dousing myself and the kids with bug spray.  Those pesky suckers especially like me and Annabelle, so it's made a world of difference in how much I enjoy playing outside with the kids.

Caden loves watching people work, and he had so much fun watching the men up on the ladders installing the misting system.  He put some tools in his back pockets pretending to be one of the misting system worker men.  I love watching his sweet pretend play!
I took the kids to a park a few weeks ago to try to take their picture.  Annabelle wanted nothing to do with it.  We have booked a professional photographer to take our picture on the beach when we are in San Diego next month, so I'm really hoping she's more cooperative with a stranger.
I did get a few sweet action shots.