Monday, March 31, 2014

Fun March Activities

I feel like this year is flying by.  I can't believe tomorrow is April.  We've been loving the beautiful Spring weather.  We've been busy playing outside with friends.
The week before last, we went with a few friends to deliver Meals on Wheels through a great organization called Wee Volunteer.  The kids loved the psychedelic party bus that we rode on.

Here are the kids playing outside with Daddy after dinner one night.  They love it when he pushes them fast! 
We've been enjoying our new Adirondack chairs out in our front yard.  The kids absolutely love playing with our next door neighbors.  Here's Annabelle pushing Merley.
Caden and Marty easily ran a mile this day.  They ran sprints from the edge of Dewey's (our next door neighbor to the South) yard to the edge of Marty's yard over and over again.
Both kids love to "cook".  Here's a picture of Annabelle cooking up something yummy for dinner last week.
We spent a good deal of time outside last week and over the weekend.  I planted my veggie garden and some azalea's; the kids enjoyed helping dig the holes.  And then they fought over who got to hold the hose to water the newly planted flowers and veggies.  Annabelle even picked up a random toy to pretend squirt with it.
We got a new rowing machine last week.  Here's a picture of Daddy and Caden testing it out. 
We had some thunderstorms last Friday.  One of our indoor activities was play dough.  Annabelle loves dressing up so much, she even wanted to use the play dough to make a bangle for dress up jewelry. 
My project of the week last week was making nautical outfits for the kids. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Annabelle's 2 year pictures

Our old photographer, who took Caden's newborn, 6 month, 12 month, and 2 year pictures and Annabelle's newborn and 6 month pictures moved to Houston about 15 months ago.  We were fortunate enough to get her to come into town to take Annabelle's 2 year pictures.  We went to the Arboretum 2 Fridays ago to get them taken.  Annabelle was not super cooperative, which was disappointing.  I was worried that Kristie wouldn't get any pictures of her smiling.  But as usual, Kristie was able to get some great shots.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring Break 2014

The kids were off from school all of last week for Spring Break.  The weather was perfect, and we had so much fun playing with and without friends all week.  One day last week, I took the kids to White Rock Lake to feed the ducks.  Caden had a really good time; Annabelle was a little apprehensive.
Annabelle kept trying to eat the stale bread.
After feeding the ducks, we ate a picnic lunch.
The kids love to take their babies (or lawn mower) for walks around our block.  One day last week, Annabelle decided her baby was tired of the stroller and needed to be carried.
One day last week, we went to our friend Zoe and Chase's house.  The kids had so much fun.  Caden drove Zoe's car around the block.  He loved his first driving experience!
The little ones enjoyed a ride in the wagon.
The kids love to play on the patio while I cook dinner.  Here's a picture of Annabelle peering through the window last week.
We've had three birthday parties in the last week.  Here are a few pictures from Annabelle's friend Cate's party at the Arboretum yesterday.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Playing House

The kids play so well together these days.  They love to dress up and play pretend.  Lately, the game of choice has been house.  Caden is the daddy, Annabelle is the mommy, and then they have different dolls/stuffed animals as their kids.  One morning, I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, and I heard Caden say, "Mommy, Mommy."  I said, "yes, what do you need?"  He quickly responded, "I was talking to Annabelle!" 

One day last week, they set up the cushions in the backyard.  Caden was "working" writing on his note pad, and Annabelle was feeding the babies.
Sometimes they ask for my phone, so they can take pictures of their babies :).  Here he asked me to take the picture of him with his babies.  Annabelle didn't want any part of this picture.
Annabelle loves to feed her baby.
One day I caught her singing and bouncing her baby on her lap.
I took the kids to see Frozen about a month ago when Brian was out of town.  They are obsessed.  They both love to sing the songs.  I really need to record Annabelle singing "Let it Go"; it's so cute!  Here's a selfie in the theater.  It was the first time for both of them to see a movie in the theater.

"Princess" Annabelle

Annabelle received quite a few girlie and princess dress up clothes for her birthday.  After months of her only dressing as either a firefighter or construction worker, it's fun to see her in girlie stuff.

Here's a picture of Princess Annabelle.  Caden said, "You're a pretty princess, Annabelle!  I will build a castle for you."
Caden is a good sport and has fun dressing up with her, too.  He will kill me for this in a few years. :)
They still use his dress up clothes all the time, too.
Firefighter Caden. 
A few weeks ago, Caden's show and tell at school was to take something to show that's related to ANY profession, so Caden chose to take his construction worker outfit.  Well, the rest of the class all took things related to their dad's profession, and Caden just went with it...oh, what he wishes Brian did.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Annabelle is Two!

I can't believe Annabelle turned two last Friday.  She is getting so big and growing up so fast.  She has been talking in sentences for a few months now, and she says new words every day.  She sings her "ABC's"; she also loves to sing the "Bob the Builder" theme song.  Her coordination (gross and fine motor skills) is well above average.  Basically, she pretty much thinks she's Caden's age.

I took her to the doctor today for her 2yr appointment, and she's still very high on the growth chart.  She was 36" (95th percentile for height) and 30.4 lbs (85th percentile).

Here are a few pictures of my sweet birthday girl.
Being silly in the Adirondack chair. 
 We celebrated Annabelle's birthday last Friday with a few friends at our house.  Here's Annabelle with a few of the kids around the water table that I had filled with Cloud Dough.
Owen, Caden, and Cyrus playing.
I made Annabelle this Minnie Mouse cake.
And we shared these Minnie cupcakes with her friends at Friday's party.
Saturday we had a birthday party with our family.  Nana, Papa, Great Nanny, Great Grandma, Jeffrey, and Mimi all came over to our house.  We attempted to take a family picture.

Caden enjoyed helping her open her presents. 
Annabelle wanted to put on some of her new dress up clothes right away! 
Caden even wanted to try some things on. 
Mimi helping Annabelle try on her new socks. 
Annabelle showing off her new gloves from Nana and Papa. 
The kids in front of the cake with Jeffrey, Nana, and Papa. 
And with Mimi.