Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Annabelle is Two!

I can't believe Annabelle turned two last Friday.  She is getting so big and growing up so fast.  She has been talking in sentences for a few months now, and she says new words every day.  She sings her "ABC's"; she also loves to sing the "Bob the Builder" theme song.  Her coordination (gross and fine motor skills) is well above average.  Basically, she pretty much thinks she's Caden's age.

I took her to the doctor today for her 2yr appointment, and she's still very high on the growth chart.  She was 36" (95th percentile for height) and 30.4 lbs (85th percentile).

Here are a few pictures of my sweet birthday girl.
Being silly in the Adirondack chair. 
 We celebrated Annabelle's birthday last Friday with a few friends at our house.  Here's Annabelle with a few of the kids around the water table that I had filled with Cloud Dough.
Owen, Caden, and Cyrus playing.
I made Annabelle this Minnie Mouse cake.
And we shared these Minnie cupcakes with her friends at Friday's party.
Saturday we had a birthday party with our family.  Nana, Papa, Great Nanny, Great Grandma, Jeffrey, and Mimi all came over to our house.  We attempted to take a family picture.

Caden enjoyed helping her open her presents. 
Annabelle wanted to put on some of her new dress up clothes right away! 
Caden even wanted to try some things on. 
Mimi helping Annabelle try on her new socks. 
Annabelle showing off her new gloves from Nana and Papa. 
The kids in front of the cake with Jeffrey, Nana, and Papa. 
And with Mimi. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an amazing job you did on the cake! Wow second calling, professional baker.