Monday, May 12, 2014

Annabelle's First Swimming Lesson

I decided to start taking the kids to swimming lessons last week.  Caden has repeatedly told me that he doesn't want to swim without his puddle jumper (float) until he's bigger.  So I was pretty worried that he would not enjoy them.  I thought Annabelle would have fun.  Boy, was I wrong.  While Caden was pretty apprehensive during the day leading up to actually going to the lesson, he did awesome when we got there.  Annabelle, on the other hand, screamed bloody murder the majority of the lesson.  I was in the pool with her, and she clung on to me with all four appendages the majority of the 30 minute lesson.  Whenever we talk about the swim lesson, she immediately says, "I sad." 
Due to the fact that I was in the pool with Annabelle, I did not get any pictures of Caden in the pool during his lesson.  Here are a few pictures after each of their lessons.

Annabelle had a lot of fun watching other kids swim after we were finished.  I'm hoping this week is better. 
We had a good Mother's Day weekend.  I can't believe I completely forgot to take a picture with the kids.  I'll have to remember to try to take one after church next week.  Both kids gave me cards from school and a card that Daddy helped them make.  Part of Caden's gift from school was this questionnaire.  He's so sweet; I love #9!  Although, I think he was a little confused about the age question; he definitely knows that I'm older than 4 :).

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