Monday, May 5, 2014

Europe trip, Day 7

Our last day was spent travelling.  It was a rough day starting with train delays due to an incident on the Metro that stopped all trains for a good 15 minutes.  It would have been really nice to have spoken French during this mess, as we really had no idea what they were saying.  There were a few messages on the monitors that I was able to sort of translate that helped a little. 

We arrived at the airport only about 15 minutes later than we hoped.  We were aware before we arrived that our flight from CDG to LHR was delayed 90 minutes (cutting our London layover in half), but upon arrival, the British Airways ticket lady insisted that we would not make our 90 minute connection at Heathrow.  She wouldn't even issue our ticket; she just told us to go stand in a line to get a new ticket on a different flight.  It was quite maddening.  The other line was incredibly slow, and ultimately, we stood in it until we reached the front of the line, only to not get helped and have to full speed sprint to our gate.  Fortunately, during our hour and a half wait in the ticket line, Brian stalked the first crazy ticket lady, and ended up insisting that she print our ticket.  Because we thoroughly believed we could make our connection.

Once in the air en route to London, our flight was delayed 20 more minutes; we had to circle London 6 times.  Heathrow air traffic was apparently off all day due to morning fog.  This now put our connection at 70 minutes.  The flight attendants basically told us there was no way that we would make our flight.  We had to take a bus to switch terminals, and then go through security.  Then we sprinted through our second airport of the day.  But we made it!  With only a few minutes to spare.  We were so relieved, since our flight was the last direct flight to DFW of the day.  Had we missed it, we most likely would have had to connect through Chicago (and no doubt been bumped from first class).

All in all, it was a great trip.  For the most part the weather was great.  We covered a lot of ground.  Brian wore his ped the whole time.  Here's a summary of our steps/miles.  Tuesday, 4/29 was the winner with almost 32k "steps"; although, some of those steps were actually pedaling the bike. 

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