Monday, September 8, 2014

Trip to Houston

We went down to Houston to visit Bob, Rebecca, Abby, Jack, Hallie, and James in mid August.  We had so much fun.  The kids just love playing with their cousins. 

Annabelle with her only girl cousins.  She especially loved playing with Hallie.
All 6 Juillerat grandkids. 
Fri morning we went and fed the ducks.  Jack was also trying to catch turtles, but didn't have any luck that day. 

Caden having fun at the playground with James. 
Friday afternoon, Bob took us to tour his fire station.  Caden thinks it's pretty cool to have an uncle that's a real fire fighter.  Caden wants to be a fire fighter when he grows up.  You can see Caden peeking through the other side of the fire rescue boat.

Climbing up on the big truck used for hurricane/flood rescues. 
Annabelle driving the fire truck. 
Caden in the driver's seat with Bob explaining to him the different controls. 
Trying on Bob's helmet. 
Caden put on Bob's boots, but he didn't want to pull on his whole suit. 
Abby trying on her Dad's gear. 
The kids were pretending to fight a fire.  They would hop in the truck and drive, and then hop out and pretend to roll out the hoses to spray the fire.  Jack driving with Caden in the passenger seat. 
Caden's turn to drive to the "fire". 

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