Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014 with Mimi and Tia

Mimi and Tia spent Christmas day in San Diego, so we celebrated a week later after they returned home. 

Tia, Mimi, Wesley, Annabelle, Mommy, Daddy, and Caden before we opened presents.
Caden is ready to open his big present!
A new scooter! 
Annabelle opening one of her presents. 
Annabelle checking out her new Hello Kitty camping gear. 
Annabelle meeting her new "Big Girl" lovie.  She is very adamant that she is not a baby or a little girl.  She always says, "I'm a big girl!"  She was quick to correct me when I referred to her new doll as a baby. 
Silly feet pillows from Mimi and Tia. 
Helping Daddy open his presents. 
Caden was pretty excited about his new real hammer. 
And a new tool belt for my hard worker! 

Juillerat Christmas 2014

We headed to Tyler midday on Christmas to spend the weekend at Nana and Papa's house. 

The whole family before we opened presents. 
Papa and all six cousins. 
More Legos for Caden. 
The kids watching Nana open her present. 
Annabelle checking out one of her presents.
Annabelle was excited about her scooter from Nana and Papa. 
Caden and Jackson putting together one of Caden's new Lego sets. 
Hallie, Caden, and Annabelle loved their new umbrellas. 
Caden, Papa, and Annabelle. 
Having fun at the Brookshires playground, playing "firefighers" in the old fire truck. 
Mommy pushing Annabelle. 
One of their neighbors had quite the festive yard.  The kids loved it; they even had music playing. 
Annabelle loved playing with Hallie's gift, Pompom, the pet panda! 

Christmas Morning 2014

We spent Christmas morning at our house. 

All four of us before we opened any presents. 
The kids in their Christmas pj's.
Caden finding goodies in his stocking.
Annabelle digging in her stocking. 
Caden hanging his new ornament (an airplane).
Annabelle hanging her stocking (a princess tiara). 
The kids thought the clementine in the bottom of their stockings was a pretty silly gift.
Caden opening up his gift from Wyatt and Luke. 
Annabelle handed Daddy his present and said, "Here are your ties, Daddy."
More Legos for Caden.
Annabelle's big gift was a playhouse for the patio.  Here she is walking out to see her gift.
Checking out the place. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Santa Visit and Christmas Parties

I took the kids down to Hunt to visit Brian last week, and then we headed over to the downtown Neiman Marcus for pictures with Santa.  This is our second year to visit this santa.  The photographer their is much more accommodating with kids who have no interest in actually sitting in his lap.  The kids specifically asked to sit in his chair...not his lap.

Santa with the "sneak attack".

Both kids gave him a high five after the picture, and Caden even gave him a hug.

Caden's last day of school before Christmas was last Friday.  The 4/5 half day classes had a Christmas program.  The kids sang a few songs before we headed to their classrooms for a party.

The kids stopped for a photo op in front of the churches nativity.   Left to Right: Jack Forrest, Maggie Sealy, Hutton Mills, Harlow Allen, Farah Ferdows, Davis Bristow, Caden, Brooklyn Fahey, Maddie Jasper, and Michael Mamminga.

 They decorated little graham cracker gingerbread houses during the party.

Monday we had a few friends over for a Christmas party at our house.  We forgot to take a picture until after some friends had left, but we got this shot of most of the group.  Left to Right: Caden, Annabelle, Isla Baker, Belle Hartgrove, Tessa Knotts, Zoe Conner, Luna Hartgrove, and Jack Baker.

The kids made cinnamon applesauce ornaments.  Luna, Caden, and Zoe working on their ornaments. 

Caden and Annabelle made several each.

Kira and Belle working on Belle's ornament.

I made a Christmas tree cake.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ice at the Gaylord Texan

Two weeks ago, we headed over to Grapevine to check out the ICE exhibit at the Gaylord Texan.  Nana joined us for a fun day.  Overall, the kids had fun, but the actual ice exhibit was a little too cold for Annabelle.  She insisted and I hold her almost the entire time we were in there.

Checking out the train in the hotel's atrium.

All bundled up, ready to enter the exhibit.
The kids and I at the beginning of the exhibit.  The kids originally refused to put on their big parkas.  But it didn't take long for them to realize they needed it.  It was 10 degrees in there, and my Texas babies are not used to temperatures that cold.

The kids and I in front of an ice train.
A selfie with Nana in front of the train.   

Nana and the kids in front of a toy soldier. 
This beautiful nativity was at the very end of the exhibit. 
No more parkas...some snowmen outside of the exhibit. 

Nana, Caden, and Annabelle in front of the gingerbread house in the hotel atrium.