Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Morning 2014

We spent Christmas morning at our house. 

All four of us before we opened any presents. 
The kids in their Christmas pj's.
Caden finding goodies in his stocking.
Annabelle digging in her stocking. 
Caden hanging his new ornament (an airplane).
Annabelle hanging her stocking (a princess tiara). 
The kids thought the clementine in the bottom of their stockings was a pretty silly gift.
Caden opening up his gift from Wyatt and Luke. 
Annabelle handed Daddy his present and said, "Here are your ties, Daddy."
More Legos for Caden.
Annabelle's big gift was a playhouse for the patio.  Here she is walking out to see her gift.
Checking out the place. 

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