Friday, April 26, 2019

Caden's 3rd Grade Medieval Times Living History Day

We love living history day!  It is definitely one of the best days of the school year.  In third grade they study Medieval Times.  Caden dressed up as a knight.

Caden's class with their chaperones before heading to the festivities.  Back row: Robbin Dzina, Laura, Ellie Bailey, Samantha Davis, Macey McDonald, Gigi Gravlee, Reese Moore, and Jessica McDonald.  Front row: Liam Fesler, Drew Dzina, Press Dunlap, Caden, Shep McFarlane, and Sutton Bruce.

The class' knight and squire reading the instructions for their day. 
Lady McFarlane giving further instructions on the deck before heading to the CLC. 
They each took their sword and hung them for display during the day. 
The kids listening to the opening ceremonies. 
First activity was sword fighting.  The kids listening and watching the instructions. 

Caden and others learning to defend. 
Caden "fought" Ellie Bailey. 

Then over to the Jester.  They worked on balancing a feather on their finger. 

Then they learned about falconry.  The kids listening and watching the falcon. 
They also had an owl. 
Over to the May Pole.
Then they learned about how herbs were used during the middle ages. 
Then over to learn archery. 

The last station was to knock down "castle" walls with a catapult. 
Laura, Caden, and Brian. 
The class with their Knight and Squire.   
After the closing ceremonies, we got a picture of the entire grade.

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