Sunday, June 30, 2019

June activites

The kids had fun making geodes.

Annabelle had her friends Audrey and Laura over for a play date, and they enjoyed tea on the deck. 

We had a huge storm come through that had ping pong size hail and wind gusts up to 72 mph.  It tore parts of our roof off the house and into our pool. 

One of my tennis friends, who lives a few streets over, lost this tree.  Fortunately, it fell into the street, instead of her house. 

Our neighbors across the street lost the big tree in their front yard.  Caden enjoyed watching them take it down. 

We headed over to Fort Worth one day to go to the zoo with Meredith and Jonah. 

Caden wrapped up another season of baseball with a tournament mid month. 

Caden played some summer league basketball this year. 

One day I was up at the club eating lunch after tennis, and my neighbor called saying that water was gushing out of our backyard.  the lid broke off this piece of the pool equipment.  Thankfully, a Dallas Water Utility guy just happened to be driving by and noticed the water.  He went in our yard and turned off the pool equipment.   

The pool had already drained down to this point.  If it had drained completely, it would've ruined our equipment. 

Nana and Papa came over for a day to go to a swim meet.  We also headed to the Dallas World Aquarium. 

Annabelle and I did some painting one day. 

My works are now hanging in our hall.

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