Thursday, May 23, 2019

First Day of Summer Vacation

The kids chose to go to the Perot Science Museum on their first day of summer.  They currently have a traveling exhibit called, "The Art of the Brick", which we had heard great things about.  It was amazing what this artist has done with Legos.

Caden measuring his wingspan compared to a few types of birds.
Annabelle's turn.
Inside the Lego exhibit.  Part of the exhibit was famous statues and works of art that he recreated using only Lego bricks.

He also had original creations.  The kids loved this swimmer. 

Annabelle made a new friend. 

Annabelle imitating the statues.

We tried to take a picture that made it look like Annabelle had a Lego body, but the dimensions didn't quite work. 
Laura with a Lego umbrella. 
A dinosaur skeleton made entirely out of Legos. 

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