Monday, July 5, 2010

10 weeks

The big news in our family is that I spoke with my boss on Friday and told him that I did not want to return to work full time. The thought of spending 40+ hours a week away from Caden brings me to tears. I have requested to work two days a week (Mon & Wed). They were very receptive of the idea, but HR still has to approve the situation. I'm sure we'll take it month by month; as it may not work long term for Hunt or myself. But I'm so excited that I don't have to go back full time at all!

We had a nice Monday today with Brian home. I packed up all of Caden's newborn and 3 month size clothing today; I can't believe he's completely outgrown them. It was funny looking at how tiny a few of the newborn outfits that he wore the first week are. I can't believe he actually fit into them.

Here's a picture of Caden in his monkey towel after a bath about a week ago.

Here are a few pictures from today. This bib was a gift; it's kind of funny looking b/c it completely swallows him.

These duck PJ's were a gift. Of course, I had to take a picture of him next to his duck! He thought it was funny (probably because Mommy was cracking up)!

Here's a video of him mostly just grunting (with a little bit of oohing & ahhing).

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