Saturday, July 17, 2010

Swimming and Laughing

Caden took his first dip in the pool today. He doesn't look terribly thrilled in these pictures, but I think he liked it. We just put his legs in; he was getting tired and it was close to nap time, so we didn't push our luck too much.
Caden & Mommy in the pool.

Caden and Daddy ready for pool time.

Here's a tummy time picture from this week.

I had a meeting up at work, so Caden got to visit Daddy at work again this past week.  I decked him out in Longhorn attire for Brian.

He started laughing a week or so ago, but I hadn't been able to catch him with the video camera.  He doesn't seem to want to laugh when I'm holding the camera in front of him, so today I was talking to him trying to get him to laugh while Brian taped him from the side.

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