Saturday, December 25, 2010

Caden's First Christmas

Mimi, Tia, Kevin, Kelly & Wyatt came to Dallas to celebrate Christmas this year.  We had so much fun.  Here are a few pictures from the past week.

Mimi, Tia, & I took Caden to Santa's Christmas Village in Richardson.  A part of me was secretly hoping for a classic crying shot, but as usual, Caden did great.

Here's a picture of Caden just hanging out.

And taking care of some important business on Mommy's laptop.

Brian & Kevin's cousin Stephanie and her family stopped by for a quick visit.  Here's Wyatt and Caden with her kids Ashley and Alex.

One of Brian and Kevin's friends from high school hosted a small Christmas party on Wednesday night.  Here's a shot of us all dressed up for the party.  Thanks Tia & Mimi for baby sitting!

Here's Caden on Christmas morning in his Christmas pj's.  He's wearing Wyatt's santa hat; Caden's head is so big, it just sat on the very top of his head.

Here are Caden and Wyatt in their matching Christmas pj's.

Caden's morning nap hit in the middle of opening presents.  After his nap, he opened his last few.  Here's Daddy helping Caden open the last present of the morning.

More matching outfits...Here are the boys with their Dad's in their matching sweater vests.  Caden was rubbing his eyes ready for his afternoon nap.

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