Thursday, December 30, 2010

Clapping and crawling

Here are a few videos from the past week.  He's really trying hard to clap.  He'll sometimes clap when I sing to him, but mostly he just claps randomly.  He has also really started moving.  He's been so close for a few weeks.  Now that the craziness of cousins running around has subsided, he's ready to move.  It's still kind of a combination of crawling on all fours and army crawling.  It's been hard to tape him, since we're quarenteened to the office and guest bedroom due to the noisy fans throughout the rest of the house.

Here he is clapping.

And here's a video of him crawling.  Because it's so dark in the office, it's pretty hard to see him.  He hasn't quite yet figured out that he can take off anywhere; he really just crawls if he wants a certain toy (or my phone is the best bait to get him moving).  Yesterday, he crawled to my phone and when he got to it, he threw it away from him and crawled to it again and continued to play this game with himself for a few minutes.  I thought that it was hilarious that he's so used to me moving the phone farther away from him that he just decided to do it himself.

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