Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 Months

Caden turned ten months old yesterday.  He's getting so big.  He weighed in at 25lb 3oz at the doctor Monday, and he's measuring 30 3/4" long.  That means he grew almost 1 1/2" & over a pound from 9 to 10 months.  He wants to walk around (holding our hands) a lot now.  He needs a push toy desperately; now he uses his music table as a push toy.  Here's a short video of him pushing the table.  There's not much room to push it around the play room, so he's now started pushing it around the living room.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Caden has been waving and saying "hi" for a while.  Here's a video of him climbing through the couches and then saying "hi".

Here's a picture of Caden brushing his teeth yesterday.

I have now put locks on all the cabinets in the kitchen, but I don't have any locks on the drawers.  He loves pulling the drawers out.  Yesterday, I turned around and he had pulled every drawer that he could reach out.

I finally got Caden's newborn and 6 month pictures framed.  Here they are on the wall.  The 6mo pic's are in the hall in the living room.

And the newborn pic's are in the dining room.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A full week...jabbering, sliding, and new teeth!

Caden cut two teeth last week.  He was pretty crabby, so I was really hoping that it was due to teething.  Then on Thursday morning at Kindermusik, I noticed that his top left lateral incisor had cut through.  On Sunday afternoon, I realized that his top right lateral incisor cut through.  We'll see when the top two center cut through...maybe he'll have fangs for a while like his cousin James :).

He talks so much, but it's still kind of hard to get him to talk when the camera is on.  Here are two videos of him jabbering this week.  Here he is trying to say, "blue butterfly"...

Here he is saying "mama".  He claps whenever we say "yeah!".

After our two week winter blast, we've had gorgeous weather.  Since Saturday, it's been in the 60's or around 70 for highs.  I hope the warm weather is here to stay.  Here he is sliding down the slide at the park Saturday afternoon.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Caden has started talking so much!  He's totally camera shy, though.  He'll be babbling away (his favorites are "mama" and "baba" and sometimes "dada"), and then it'll come to a screeching halt as soon as he sees the red light of the camera on him.  He's really starting to try to say words; as I handed him banana for breakfast yesterday, he repeated me by saying "bababa", and he's pretty consistent at saying "mama" when you ask him to.  Hopefully, we'll get him on camera soon!

We had ice and snow again yesterday, so Brian and I both worked from home.  Today is still cold, but at least the streets are pretty clear.  We're definitely ready for Spring!

Here's a video of Caden singing patty-cake with me last weekend.

I realize that we are totally biased, but we think Caden is such a smart little guy.  He picks things up so quickly.  We hadn't used his projection mobile in months, then when I turned it on last week, he loved watching it.  I showed him once which button he needed to push to turn it on.  The next morning when he was talking in his bed before I got him up, I looked in the monitor and saw him standing in front of the mobile.  When I went in there to get him, he had turned it on.  Now he turns it on during most naps.  Here he is standing next to it earlier this week.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I'm getting a little bit of cabin fever.  We haven't really done anything all week.  It has not been above freezing since Monday, so the ice that came down Monday night has yet to melt.  And then on top of the ice, we got about 5 or 6 inches of snow over night last night.  I guess we're making those visiting from Green Bay and Pitt feel right at home with this miserable weather. 

Here's a picture of our back yard this morning.

Here's Caden enjoying his breakfast this morning.

Caden likes his basketball goal.  His little hands are really too chubby and small to get a good grip on the balls, so he can't put the ball through the hoop yet.  His favorite part about it is when the counter lights up when the ball goes through the hoop, but he figured out that if he pushes the lever with his finger, it lights up.