Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I'm getting a little bit of cabin fever.  We haven't really done anything all week.  It has not been above freezing since Monday, so the ice that came down Monday night has yet to melt.  And then on top of the ice, we got about 5 or 6 inches of snow over night last night.  I guess we're making those visiting from Green Bay and Pitt feel right at home with this miserable weather. 

Here's a picture of our back yard this morning.

Here's Caden enjoying his breakfast this morning.

Caden likes his basketball goal.  His little hands are really too chubby and small to get a good grip on the balls, so he can't put the ball through the hoop yet.  His favorite part about it is when the counter lights up when the ball goes through the hoop, but he figured out that if he pushes the lever with his finger, it lights up.

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