Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A full week...jabbering, sliding, and new teeth!

Caden cut two teeth last week.  He was pretty crabby, so I was really hoping that it was due to teething.  Then on Thursday morning at Kindermusik, I noticed that his top left lateral incisor had cut through.  On Sunday afternoon, I realized that his top right lateral incisor cut through.  We'll see when the top two center cut through...maybe he'll have fangs for a while like his cousin James :).

He talks so much, but it's still kind of hard to get him to talk when the camera is on.  Here are two videos of him jabbering this week.  Here he is trying to say, "blue butterfly"...

Here he is saying "mama".  He claps whenever we say "yeah!".

After our two week winter blast, we've had gorgeous weather.  Since Saturday, it's been in the 60's or around 70 for highs.  I hope the warm weather is here to stay.  Here he is sliding down the slide at the park Saturday afternoon.

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