Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby update

We had a sonogram today, and Caden's little "sister" is looking perfectly healthy!  It's too early for them to be completely sure, but the doctor and the sonogram tech both think it's a girl.  We have another sonogram scheduled for Sept 28, and we should know for sure then.  (S)he's 3 1/2" long and was very active throughout the entire sonogram.

Caden and I met some friends at a splash park near our house last week.  I forgot to take my camera, but I took this with my cell phone.  He had a lot of fun.

He's getting so big.  We really need to buy him a booster seat for the kitchen table b/c sometimes he refuses to eat in his highchair.  Here he is eating at the table last week.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Toys away

Our flip wasn't working for a while, but fortunately, we figured out how to fix it.

Here's a video of him the other night putting his toys away before bedtime.  Over the past few months, he's gotten so good at putting his toys away.  All I have to do it sing his "toys away" song from Kindermusik, and he goes into this trance to put away anything that I say...I love it :)!  The song has even worked getting him dressed in the morning; as some days he would rather run around without clothes on laughing with me chasing him then get dressed.  Warning: you may want to turn the volume down, since this is me singing :).

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hey Good Looking, What You Got Cooking...

Caden is OBSESSED with pots, pans, spatulas, wooden spoons, anything that he can pretend cook or stir with.  I've started putting him in the high chair next to the counter sometimes when I'm getting dinner ready, so he can see what I'm doing.  If he's on the ground and can't see, he's at my feet begging for me to pick him up, so he can see what I'm doing.

Here he is one morning last week with a bowl and spatula.

Another one of his favorite things to do is empty drawers in the kitchen.  He was very proud of himself for emptying this drawer last week.

One of my good friends had a little girl yesterday.  So Caden and I went to the hospital this morning to meet Gracie.  Gracie's older sister is only a few months older than Caden, so I was explaining that Madeline now has a little sister.  I asked Caden if he wants a little sister, too, and he emphatically shook his head yes :).

Caden was much more interested in Madeline's Daddy's ipad than he was in Gracie.

Our final art class of the summer was this morning.  Here's a picture of Caden "dotting".

Monday, August 1, 2011

15 months

I've been so tired lately; I haven't felt like taking many pictures or posting anything.  Caden turned 15 months a week ago.  He had his 15mo well visit last week, and he clocked in at 28.4 lbs. (90%) and 32" (75%).

I bought an umbrella for our patio table, which enabled us to push it out and make more room for toys in the shade.  We got a water table for Caden this weekend.  We also moved his sandbox into the shade. 

Here's a pic of the new set up.

Here's Caden enjoying his new water table.

Mimi and Tia gave Caden a robe.  He's so cute...looks like a little old man with the belt tied around his big belly :).

It has a hood, too.  But he wasn't real keen on the hood, so it didn't stay up for long.