Monday, August 1, 2011

15 months

I've been so tired lately; I haven't felt like taking many pictures or posting anything.  Caden turned 15 months a week ago.  He had his 15mo well visit last week, and he clocked in at 28.4 lbs. (90%) and 32" (75%).

I bought an umbrella for our patio table, which enabled us to push it out and make more room for toys in the shade.  We got a water table for Caden this weekend.  We also moved his sandbox into the shade. 

Here's a pic of the new set up.

Here's Caden enjoying his new water table.

Mimi and Tia gave Caden a robe.  He's so cute...looks like a little old man with the belt tied around his big belly :).

It has a hood, too.  But he wasn't real keen on the hood, so it didn't stay up for long.

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