Saturday, February 25, 2012

Zoo & haircut

We had a busy week last week.  I wanted to do as many fun things as we could, since we'll basically be housebound for a few weeks after baby girl arrives.  We had our last art class on Tuesday.  Caden painted a giraffe, which is perfect, since he loves talking about giraffes and their long necks.  Thursday after his nap, we went to the zoo.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the zoo closes early in Jan & Feb, so we only had about 45 minutes to walk around.  He definitely enjoyed it, though.

I couldn't believe how close this lioness was to the glass.  I don't think I've ever seen a lion this close.  I got this shot of Caden a split second before sheer terror came over his face and he began crying.  Poor guy doesn't understand that she can't come through the glass.

Of course, we had to see the giraffes. 

We also saw a gorilla.  It was nice to see one this trip because they were off hiding somewhere when we went to the zoo in December with Wyatt.  This guy was walking right toward us as we walked up, but he turned around to sit down before I could get my camera out.

We saw a baby chimp.

On Friday I took Caden to get his first professional haircut.  I've cut his hair several times, but I just haven't had the energy to cut it lately, so it had gotten pretty long.  He was a little unsure, but overall he did great!

Unless she decides to come on her own, we're set to check into the hospital late Tuesday morning.  My op time is 1:30pm, so she should arrive around 2pm.  We're all set up and ready for her.  Brian set up the pack 'n play in our room today, reassembled the swing and bouncer, put her carseat in the car, and put together our new double stroller.  Caden repeatedly asked for rides today.  Here he is getting a ride on the patio.

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