Monday, July 23, 2012

Sitting and Eating

Our backyard project is almost complete.  So far, we've pulled out a lot of bushes to sod an area to give Caden a little bit of grass to play in and reconfigured the back fence to enclose our driveway.  The only big thing left to do is to reroute the pool fence, which is scheduled for next Monday.  I'll post before and after pictures once it's all done.

Annabelle is getting so big.  She can sit up now; although, she's still pretty wobbly.  I usually leave the boppy around her, so she's padded if she takes a tumble.  Here's a video of her sitting from yesterday.

Here's a picture from her playing on Saturday.

We got a trampoline from a friend.  Caden has hardly touched it, but he did jump a little yesterday.

Before church yesterday, we attempted to get a picture of Brian with the kids.  But Caden was not interested at all, so here's Brian and Annabelle. 

Annabelle has been eating so much lately that I decided to try to give her some real food yesterday. She tried avocados.  Caden hasn't sat in a high chair or booster chair or used a bib in about 9 months.  But as soon as he saw that Annabelle was going to use them, he insisted that he use both.

Here she is before she tries it...happy.

I'm not sure about this stuff... 

Seriously, what are you putting in my mouth? 

Alright, I guess it's pretty good! 

Here's a picture of Caden eating in his high chair at about the same age. 
Annabelle just loves to play peek a boo.  Here's a video from last week.

1 comment:

SD Jolly Family said...

She is getting so big and darling. Can't wait to meet her.