Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back to School

Caden started 2 year old Preschool at our church this week.  He's going Monday mornings and Wednesdays until 2pm.  He was apprehensive Monday and Wednesday at drop off.  But when I picked him up Wednesday afternoon, he was so excited to tell me all that he had done.  And his teacher, Ms. Clarissa, said that he did great and was really starting to open up.  Unfortunately, he would not let me take his picture outside his classroom :(..."no picture, mommy!"  Maybe I can get one this week.

Annabelle has changed so much in the last two weeks.  I feel like she's just doing so much more and being so much more interactive.  I love seeing her grow and develop her sweet little personality; she's still such a good baby!  She's still loving solids.  This week we introduced mangos, peas, and spinach.  So far she's also tried avocado, sweet potatoes, prunes, and multi-grain infant cereal.  She's not a real big fan of avocado, but she's gobbled up everything else.
The week before last the weather was actually pretty nice for August in Texas, so we went to the park for the first time in months.  Annabelle got to swing for the first time, and she just loved it.
Here's a video of her swinging.  Ignore Caden's whining...he was a little upset that we weren't doing what he wanted to do.
Our little infant tub has sprung a leak, so I decided to move it inside the big tub. When Caden saw Annabelle getting a bath in "his tub", he decided he wanted to climb in with her.  She's a really sturdy sitter now, but the infant tub provides nice support when Caden accidentally knocks her.
Here's a picture of Caden sitting in the tub about a week before he turned 6 months.
She's getting so mobile!  She's really started log rolling all over the place.  And she'll scoot a little, but rolling is much more efficient.  Here she is last weekend backed into a chair...she started on the blanket.
Caden didn't log roll as much as she does, but he did scoot backwards.  Here's a picture of him at 6 1/2 months backed into a chair.
Annabelle sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time this week.  I can't believe what a big girl she is.
We went to a park Thursday morning to meet our photographer to take a few family pictures and Annabelle's 6 month pictures.  She already gave us these "sneak peek" pictures.  The rest of our pictures will be ready in about 2 weeks; I can't wait to see them.


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