Friday, September 7, 2012

Caden feeding Annabelle

Annabelle has started pushing up on all fours.  She can't stay up there long, but she can definitely get her tummy completely off the ground.  She also tried a few new foods this week:  cauliflower, acorn & butternut squash, blueberries and mangos.  She liked all but the cauliflower. 

She basically gagged when she tried the cauliflower.  So of course, I had to grab the camera...
Caden is such a good big brother.  He loves to help out with Annabelle.  This week he asked if he could feed her.  He did a great job giving her a few bites.  He did not want me to tape him, but I did manage to get this super short video of him attempting to feed her a bite.
Yesterday we went to an open gym toddler play time at a Rec Center.  We've been there one other time, and Caden really enjoys it.  He loves hanging on bars; he likes to try to get away with hanging on the clothes rods in the closets, too. 

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