Monday, June 29, 2015

Father's Day 2015

Brian and the kids after church on Father's Day.
Saturday we celebrated with brunch at one of Brian's favorite places.  We shared the cinnamon roll.  So good!
Annabelle enjoyed her quesadilla with raspberry jelly on it.  Silly girl!
The kids made little art projects for Brian at school.  Annabelle is supposed to be flying above the city.
Caden answered these questions.  I'm not so sure about his first answer :).
We headed to the Perot with friends last week.  The kids had fun in the music booth.
And we tried the earthquake simulator for the first time. 
Caden ran in to his friend Ford from school. 
One of our old Kindermusik teachers has been doing a story time at a local church some Friday mornings.  We have gone to three, and the kids really enjoy them.  Caden and Annabelle watching their friends Tessa and Ella Grace up helping Ms Lowry.
We went to a play date to collect food for a reverse food truck that stocks food for a local food bank.  Marty and Merley came along.  Marty, Caden, and Annabelle had fun climbing in the back of the truck and collecting cans.
Caden and Marty enjoying a popsicle at the splash park after we donated our food.
One morning last week, we made and played with goop.  It had been a while since we had made it.  the kids had so much fun getting messy! 

A Trip to the Dentist & Other June Fun

The kids actually like going to the dentist now.  I would assume it is because of the goody bag and treasure chest at the end.
Caden getting checked out. 
Annabelle's all smiles waiting for her x-rays. 
She did great with her teeth cleaning and check up.  Six months ago, she insisted on sitting in my lap during her entire check up. 
After the dentist, we headed to the zoo to meet our friends.  Annabelle was digging for fossils in the dino exhibit.  
The kids wanted to ride the train.  Annabelle, Jacob, Evelyn, and Caden are ready to go. 

The giraffes are one of the kids favorites. 

Annabelle wanted to take a picture with me after we got home from the zoo. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ballet Camp and SD Cousins Visit

The first week of June Annabelle went to a ballet camp each morning.  She loved it, and they ended the week with a short dance for the parents.  Caden and I enjoyed our time together. 

We stopped by Village Baking Co for a treat one morning.
Annabelle's performance was totally informal and adorable!  They could chose to wear an old costume or dress up clothes.  Annabelle chose to wear her recital costume; all the other girls were in princess dresses. 
One of the new steps she learned was a Passe.  She has been doing them all over the house.

The week we were busy trying to get our house on the market, Wyatt, Luke, Kevin, and Kelly were in town visiting.  The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.  Night one dinner at Mimi and Tia's. 

Caden graduated to Dolfin 3 at swimming lessons that week.  He is such a good swimmer, and he just loves being in the water! 
Saturday we had a cousin pool party.  Thankfully, our house was already under contract, so we didn't have to worry about showing it anymore at this point in the week. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Surprise! We're Moving!

It's been a crazy, busy last two weeks!  Two weeks ago today, I decided to go see a house that I had been eying.  Our plan was to move (possibly even build) in the next 12-24 months.  But I had seen this house on the internet and couldn't get it out of my head.  It just seemed like it might be a great floor plan for our family.  So I went to check it out, fully expecting to not like it.  When we were house hunting 6 years ago, I felt like every house we went in looked far better in pictures, than it did in person.  I was shocked to walk through this house; it was so much nicer than I had imagined from the pictures.  Brian was still skeptical, but he made an appointment to see it the following day.  That night we decided to make an offer, and then we agreed to terms two days later.  So that Saturday, we started getting our house ready to show.  Four days later, our house was listed.  Then we received an offer the second day our house was on the market.  So within one week, we decided to buy, readied our house for selling, listed and sold our house! 

For the sake of our blog book, here are the pictures of our current house.





We are out of the option period on our new home.  Our current house was inspected yesterday, so we are waiting to see if they will request anything to be fixed.  We are scheduled to move the last week of July, so it'll be a busy next 6-8 weeks!