Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ballet Camp and SD Cousins Visit

The first week of June Annabelle went to a ballet camp each morning.  She loved it, and they ended the week with a short dance for the parents.  Caden and I enjoyed our time together. 

We stopped by Village Baking Co for a treat one morning.
Annabelle's performance was totally informal and adorable!  They could chose to wear an old costume or dress up clothes.  Annabelle chose to wear her recital costume; all the other girls were in princess dresses. 
One of the new steps she learned was a Passe.  She has been doing them all over the house.

The week we were busy trying to get our house on the market, Wyatt, Luke, Kevin, and Kelly were in town visiting.  The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.  Night one dinner at Mimi and Tia's. 

Caden graduated to Dolfin 3 at swimming lessons that week.  He is such a good swimmer, and he just loves being in the water! 
Saturday we had a cousin pool party.  Thankfully, our house was already under contract, so we didn't have to worry about showing it anymore at this point in the week. 

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