Sunday, December 27, 2015

Covenant Christmas Chapel

Caden's class, along with the other three Kindergarten classes, sang "The Friendly Beast" at Covenant's Christmas Chapel.  They wore different animal headbands, and they were so cute!

Caden is the second from the left on the third row back.

Later in the program the entire K-6 sang a few songs together.

One of Caden's classmates invited us over to see Santa at her house.  Caden had fun.  Annabelle was a little scared and refused to sit on his lap.

We finally convinced her to take a family pic.  

The kids have been enjoying the season and the fun activities that come along with it.  A family selfie with our gingerbread house.

The kids have been doing advent crafts, too. 

We are fully settled into our temporary kitchen.  Here are two pics of our set up.

I volunteered to sub for Caden's class, while his teacher took each child out one at a time for end of semester testing.

Annabelle's ballet teacher had the class give a little impromptu performance during their last ballet class of the semester.

It's been so warm; the leaves are just falling off the trees.  Annabelle had fun one Saturday playing in the leaves.

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