Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Adventure Guides Campout - Sky Ranch

Caden and Brian went to the first YMCA Adventure Guides Campout of the year last weekend.  They went to Sky Ranch.  They went to Sky Ranch last September, too.  They had so much fun!
Henry Buja, Garrett Tilger, Andrew Collins, and Caden being silly.

The boys lined up ready to play Gaga Ball. 

Caden hitting the Gaga ball. 
Caden having fun jumping on the blob.

A Daddy and Caden selfie before they shot off Caden's rocket.

The boys lined up ready to shoot off their rockets. Front row: Bass Lang, Caden, Camden Clark, Cooper Dow, James Lang, Back row: Henry Buja, Liam Fessler, Garrett Tilger, Drew Dzina, Clive Rowland, Zachary Wolverton, Shep MacFarlane, Luke Baker, Nicholas Carter, and Andrew Dawson.

Caden ready to play miniature golf. 

Caden watching Garrett Tilger hit the ball. 
The boys enjoyed a game of Kickball.  Caden waiting for the pitch. 
Caden kicking the ball.
Caden waiting on base. 
Daniel Crow, Luke Baker, Andrew Dawson, Drew Dzina, and Caden during the ceremony.
Daddy and Caden. 

A Trip to the Zoo

Annabelle and I went to the zoo Friday before last with her friend Belle and her mom, Kira.  The girls had so much fun.  Annabelle has been asking to go to the zoo since mid-summer, but I refused to go when it was 100+ degrees.
Annabelle loves to climb and jump, so it's not surprising that that's what she does on the statues at the zoo.

A close up meeting with the Mandrill. 
We love going to the encounters.  We saw an encounter with a Black Stork. 
One of our favorites is the Lion encounter. 

It's so fun to get to see them so close. 

The girls wanted to feed the giraffes. 

We rode the monorail.

Annabelle checking out the gorilla. 

Two monkeys climbing on the elephant statues. 
Annabelle loves "driving" this jeep. 
Annabelle asks to go to gymnastics practically daily.  Here is a pic of her in class practicing walking sideways on the beam. 
Trying to climb the rope. 
They're replacing the main sewer line on our street, so they've been digging up our street.  The kids love watching them. 
Annabelle was describing something to me the other day.  She was telling me how cool it was, and she said, "...it's cool, like a construction site, COOL!"  Ha, only a little girl with a big brother would use that analogy. Annabelle intently watching from the guest bedroom window.

We sat out front one afternoon after school watching them work. 

My latest art project is complete.  I painted cornhole boards to be Baylor and Texas, and I sewed Baylor and Texas corn sacks.  We are looking forward to cooler Fall weather to get outside and play with them.
They came completely unfinished.  Here's a pic primed and ready to paint.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Annabelle's First Day of Ballet and First Day of Pre-K

Annabelle started another year of ballet.  This year, she is taking a ballet and tap combo class.  She loves it!

A few pictures before we headed to the studio.  
Her adorable bun.
This is the third year in a row that Annabelle has been in ballet class with her friend Belle Hartgrove.
She's also really excited to be in class this year with one of our friends from Covenant, Hadley Tilger.
The girls pretending to be ballerina dolls in class.  Ms. Janie is winding Annabelle up, so she can start dancing.
Annabelle had a playdate at her school the week before it started.  She had fun playing with her friend Belle.  She will be at a new school this year...only 1 mile from our house!!!  She has two friends who she's known since birth who will be in class with her.  A pic of Annabelle and Belle.
Annabelle on her first day of school.
We finally got our TV's hung.  Scheduling this has been on my to do list for months, and I finally got around to getting it done.  We hung a tv in the workout room.
One on the patio.
And then one in the downstairs living room.
Annabelle started taking gymnastics this summer.  She loves it.  She practices handstands and cartwheels all over the house.
She even insists I join in sometimes :).
The kids love pretending doctor.  Here's a pic of them working on me.  I'm trying to teach them how to give me a massage.
Another favorite pretend game is "hair salon".  Annabelle told me that my hair looks so pretty, even better than when I go out to dinner.
A selfie after my hair appointment.